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ANN SLIM (original) 3 hooks Colombian Girdle Pink

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This Waist Cincher is made of Latex with the inside covered in cotton for comfort. The latex has a powder coating from the factory to preserve the latex, you might see some white marks or spots on the latex from the powder. This can be clean with a moist cloth.

Ideal for exercise, for the gym and yoga.

Helps you lose inches on your waist instantly.

Help to lose weight and enhances your natural curves.

Perfect to use for any occasion.

Perfect to use for exercise and work-out.


  • This Girdle has (3) three rows of hooks and has vertical rods around it.
  • Exterior Layer: Natural rubber 100%.
  • Interior layer: Natural rubber 100%
  • Lining: Cotton 91%, Spandex 9%.

  • With tags

Please check the factory size chart provided in the pictures section.

*Please select your size carefully*


***This is an item from Colombia***

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Enjoy this Girdle!

Contact Us:

Please use eBay-messaging system to contact us. DO NOT E-MAIL US. We will try to get back to you ASAP. Our normal office hours are from Monday – Friday; 10:00am – 6:00pm. (We do not work on weekends)

Please contact us for any issues (Damaged item, wrong item, etc.) within 14 days.


  • We are ready to ship your item once we receive your payment!
  • We ship directly from Miami!
  • We use USPS
  • We will do our best to insure your item will get right to your door as soon as possible.
  • Most purchases are shipped within 1-2 business days following cleared payment. Once item is shipped, you will receive a confirmation via email.

Please note; we do not work on Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and Holiday weekends. (Any USPS non-working Holidays)! Item(s) purchased from Friday through Sunday (or Holidays and Holiday weekends) will not be shipped until next available business day.

Our company goes on business trip often. So, once our vacation alert is on our listing, all paid item(s) will be shipped on returning date stated on alert.

PLEASE make COMBINED payment for multiple items; unless items need to be shipped to different locations. Otherwise, it will be shipped to one of provided address in one or two packages.

Domestic Shipping

  • We gladly ship to PO Boxes, APOs, and gift addresses.
  • Estimated shipping times:
  • Domestic

    •   Free shipping   2-9 Business days Economy Shipping (USPS Parcel Select®)      

    •   US $4.99           2-5 Business days Standard Shipping (USPS First Class Package®)

    •   US $7.99           1-3 Business days Expedited Shipping (USPS Priority Mail®)     

International Shipping

  • All international sales are process through eBay's Global Shipping program. (Delivery time may vary. Sometimes shipping may takes up to 1-2 months by First Class Mail.)
  • All items are available for International shipping.
  • When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates.
  • All international sales are process through eBay's Global Shipping program. (Delivery time may vary. Sometimes shipping may takes up to 1-2 months by First Class Mail.
  • To combine purchases, please complete checkout and pay for all items together.
  • When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates.
  • To combine purchases, please complete checkout and pay for all items together.

International Buyers - Please Note:

  • Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges, if your country doesn't participate on Global Shipping Program. These charges are the buyer's responsibility.
  • Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.


Our clothing is made to flatter your body and many of our items run small.

If you are unsure about your size, please choose a larger size available, or contact us.

By purchasing or bidding our item(s), you are agreeing to all our policies and understanding that we will not be responsible for any lost or stolen packages including buyers who provided undeliverable address and/or unconfirmed address on PayPal account. If item was delivered to the wrong address the buyer has provided, it is buyer’s responsibility to check with USPS. If the buyer provided wrong or undeliverable address and the item is return to us, the Buyer will be responsible for the re-shipping fee, even for FREE SHIPPING item(s). If buyer wants a refund instead, buyer will receive the refund after shipping fee for all items and initial shipping for FREE SHIPPING item(s).



All our items are for serious buyers only. It is buyer’s responsibility to ask ALL questions before purchasing to avoid any mistakes.

Our items are checked thoroughly before shipping. If any items are damaged, any defects, and/or an inaccurate inventory, buyer will be notified by eBay message. We will try our best to resolve the issue by providing different options such as; back order, exchange, or refund.

There is absolutely no warranty.

We are not responsible for any wear and tear.

You may return your item(s) within 14 days (unless other information is stated on description/option) from shipped date with an approval from seller after discussion(s) about problem(s). For any returned items that were used, worn, wash, damaged, or monogrammed, buyer will be reported to eBay.

For any RETURN for unsatisfied items(s) or for any reason that was approved by the seller, it is the buyer’s responsibility for all shipping and handling fee. Paid shipping fee will not be refunded unless seller’s mistake such as damaged item, wrong size, or wrong item received. Otherwise, only the amount of the item will be refunded after shipping fee has been deducted.

For “FREE SHIPPING” item(s), your item fee will be refunded after deducting initial shipping fee we have provided from the item price unless there was seller's mistake such as damaged item or wrong item.

For any EXCHANGE for the items that were purchased with FREE SHIPPING offer, FREE SHIPPING offer is only for initial shipping. Therefore, buyer is responsible for all shipping fees.  

If you disagree with any of our policies, PLEASE DO NOT PLACE ORDER.

Item(s) must be in the original condition as we have shipped (original tag, clear package, etc.), undamaged, unused, and clean.

PLEASE RETURN SMOKE FREE/ODOR FREE!!! We will not refund money if there is any scent other than new fresh scent.

There is absolutely no return for any beauty supply, underwear and hosiery.

We will not be responsible for any shipping carrier’s mistake.

By purchasing our item(s), you are agreeing to all our policies (9/2014).

Thank you for visiting isweetproducts.

We appreciate your business. Thanks for understanding!

 _gsrx_vers_611 (GS 6.9.4 (611))